2019 was not going to be an exception…The 3d food printing conference 2019 is back! This is always exciting.
- Something new will change the game?
- Talks
- Networking
- Live demos!
One of the very few opportunities to have a 3d food printing immersion with professionals in the field.
3D Food Printing Conference 2019 takes place on June 27, 2019, as part of a two-day agri-food event that also includes dedicated conferences to healthy nutrition, smart farming and vertical farming. The conference will focus on topics such as 3D food printing, materials, textures, laser cooking, molecular gastronomy, food research, insect cultivation, protein alternatives and more.
These are the confirmed speakers:
Roisin Burke, Senior Lecturer in Culi nary Science, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, on ‘Note by Note cooking (Molecular Gastronomy) and 3D Food Printing’
Jonathan Blutinger, PhD Candidate, Columbia University, Creative Machines Lab, USA, on “Laser cooking: re-imagining the culinary experience”
With a bit of luck will get to see each other there!